Saturday, January 19, 2019

Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To

There are two different ways to do this idea:

1) Draw a number card (or roll a die).  Count out that many Legos or dinosaurs.  Then, draw another card and count out that many Legos.  Have the child decide whether the first number is greater than, less than, or equal two the second number and place the appropriate flash card in the middle.

2) Draw a number card.  Count out that many Legos.  Then, draw a card from the greater than, less than, or equal two cards.  Have the child place it next to the pile.  Then, they have to count out a number of Legos that fits the math sentence.  For example: If I draw a 3, I would then count out 3 Legos.  Then I would draw from the greater than, less than, or equal to cards.  Let's say I draw a less than symbol, I would then place that next to the pile of 3 Legos.  Then, I would count out any number greater than 3 and place it next to the symbol card.  Let's say I picked the number 4.  My math sentence would then have 3<4.

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